1.I have found this experience to be very rewarding for us as a family. And I really think the girls are having a good experience.
2."Pepe is a really funny and nice person and it is a good experience as well as good fun training with him, " he said.
3.He said: "For me it was a good experience to go there and play every week and be in a first-team environment, and overall it went well. "
4.For her, it's been a good experience.
5.It was a very good experience for me and I feel it's something that I've brought back to Arsenal.
6.Adding the tag at the bottom will help maintain a good experience for a non-contributing end user who visits the page.
7.It didn't turn out well, but you know, I mean it was a nice memorythough, a good experience making chocolate.
8.'I had such a good experience he thinks I'm going to be impatient with directors, which I already am.
9.Peter will gain good experience with us and he also comes with a very good reputation. I'm sure he'll be a very positive addition.
10.This monologue was based on an interview with a woman who had a good experience with a man.